Sunday, July 02, 2006

Steyn vs. Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens

Mark Steyn

Would everyone please take my word for it? If you do nothing in your spare time except read these two authors, Hitchens & Steyn (whether in the media, in their published works available at your local bookstore, or else during radio interviews, or even on Blogs, etc.,.), you will be intellectually and humorously blessed, and also you will find/discover that It (viz., the Hope for our future) is neither Right nor Left, but reasoned argument and a sense of humour, and also a sense of Culture which in turn wins the heart.... So please, read these two most eloquent and thoughtful journalists, that the 21st century has unwittingly uncovered from among the bloggers & hangers-on of journalism, post 9/11 & post-Sadaam & post-Zarquawi -- please read them.

PS Remember, Hitchens infamously "trashed" Mother Theresa via a much-watched documentary, while Steyn has been routinely brought up before the Canadian "Muslim/religious 'bigot of notice' court" (my description). So my (well-known) religious sympathies are not necessarily supported by those who support those who these guys support.


Blogger El Duderino said...

Hitch is great but he and I don't always see things the same way. I've yet to hear anything from Steyn that I don't agree with 100%. Still wouldn't it be great to have a pnt with both of them?

10:05 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a while...I keep checking for new entries!

I read. I don't comment, mostly because I don't know enough to do so intelligently on many of your entries. However, you are a source of excellent links! We miss you in CT.

5:08 PM PDT  

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