Sunday, November 12, 2006

Unfortunately, it may be to little, too late for the Archbishops & the Cardinal & their flocks

Given current demographic trends in the European Union, gay secular atheists will truly face this question of religion -- but not in any way Elton John might imagine. If current birthrate trends continue, by the year 2100, Muslims will be a majority within whatever is left of Europe as we know it. Since Elton John certainly won't have any progeny to worry about, but whatever is left of the "gay community" in Europe, at the end of this century, will have returned to living "in the closet," or else they will have faced 'martyrdom' for openly living according to their chosen lifestyle. If, that is, the current demographic trends continue in Europe.

"Sir Elton John wants religion banned completely.... Speaking to the Observer Music Monthly Magazine the singer said religion lacked compassion and turned people into "hateful lemmings".The PRESS ASSOCIATION reports: In a candid interview for a dedicated Gay issue of the magazine he shared his views on topics as varied as being a pop icon to Tony Blair's stance on the war in Iraq....
"From my point of view I would ban religion completely....Organised religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate."
The BBC has blithely reported the following: "Sir Elton John has said he would like to see all organised religion banned...."
The Archbishop of York has condemned what he called the systematic erosion of Christianity from public life. Dr John Sentamu told lay leaders illiberal atheists were undermining Britain's religious heritage.

Related to this, both the Anglican and the Roman Catholic leaders of England wrote the forward of the document '"Doing God": a Future For Faith in the Public Square. ' "The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, have jointly backed a new religious think-tank in an effort to change the climate of opinion about the importance of faith in society."


Blogger El Duderino said...

Good thing that no one gives a rat's ass about Elto John thinks.

8:35 PM PST  
Blogger CultMan said...

Thanks for the comment; I couldn't keep up this herculean effort of merely posting links to the web without the support of my reader.

But seriously, the problem is that many, many, many people care what Elton John thinks. And some of those people live in N. America too. And they affect elections immensely, for starters.

11:50 AM PST  

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