Monday, October 02, 2006

Re: Life-Chain 2006 & cover-up conspiracy "exposed" by BBC.

In the Light of the Law(link)

This was a response I posted to a very reputable & intelligent canon lawyer & respectable professor -- Re: "Life Sunday". And also re: the BBC's feigned "breaking" coverage of a 'secret' Vatican Edict re: priest sexual misconduct; and also re: the scandal of N. American clergy -- the cover-up of the sexual abuse of minors, by (mostly) homosexual & ephebophiliac (i.e., perverted) R.C. priests in N. America since (at least) the 1940's.

By the way, this blog is a must-read for N. American Roman Catholics, if any R.C.s out there actually care about the things they so often complain about within the Church, with somewhat adolescent rage.

Re: Life-Chain 2006 & cover-up conspiracy "exposed" by BBC.

"I had the same reaction about our Life-Chain here in Toronto. Fewer folks than in 1999, but also fewer "spitters." However, one comment I heard was "Activists! Hmph!" Surely from a Western-liberal-pro-abortion youth (judging by looks, which can get you into trouble). But as he turned and saw me overhearing his comment, he blushed and remained silent. Canadians are so polite, even against their own moral(?) instincts."

"But re: the 'secret edict' and cover-up about pedo/& ephebo/philiac priests -- I can attest to muchcover-up. Not by the Pope (and possibly not by Vatican City persons), but by the N. American hierarchy. I could convince you of the validity of my witness to cover-up if you contact me privately, but I can assure it is NOT because I am a 'victim.' It is because I was there. So the BBC may be "off" on the particulars of the cover-up (they overemphasize the Vatican's involvement), but its report is dead-on re: the cover-up of (especially) ephibophiliac & homosexual priests & bishops in N. America."


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